Derek Bourke - Duncan Payne Big 5 Global
Derek Bourke - Duncan Payne Big 5 Global

Duncan Payne and Derek Bourke at the Big 5 Global

Derek Bourke, Digital Construction and BIM Manager shared insights on "Leveraging BIM for Project Management." at the PM Talks and Duncan spoke about Modernizing Khansaheb: From traditional contractor to digital pioneer at the Future Tech Summit.

Their compelling presentations and engaging panel discussions at the FutureTech Summit and PM Talks highlighted our leadership in these critical areas.We are immensely proud of their contributions, which not only reflect their deep knowledge and passion but also underscore Khansaheb's commitment to pioneering advancements in the digital landscape. Their insights exemplify our dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends and driving innovation.Our relentless pursuit of digital transformation is not just about keeping pace with industry advancements but about pushing the boundaries and setting new standards.

The outstanding performances reaffirm our position as leaders in embracing and shaping the future of construction technology. As we continue to push the boundaries of digital transformation, their work serves as a testament to our ongoing mission to lead and excel in an ever-evolving industry. Each accomplishment highlights our commitment to innovation and excellence, demonstrating our ability to adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.